Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Layout of the Week #106

I know that a major part of scrapbooking is recording the highlights of life,
but sometimes I think the ordinary should be documented as well.
This past Monday was a crazy, hectic day, and I thought that I'd get it down on paper.

My boys are 15 and 13. In five short years, my days are going to look much different.
I think I"ll fondly look back on this layout. :)

The best part about it?
It takes less than an hour to make.

Here's the layout we'll be creating.

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x 12" pattern paper
one piece of 3 1/2"x 12" pattern paper (needs to be a mild enough print that you can journal on it)
one roll of decorative tape
pre-printed title or letter stickers for your title
1-3 embellishments (I used a stamp)
3 photos
paper trimmer

Just dig into your stash and use what you have on hand. No need to go out and buy new.

I got my title off of this piece of paper.
 I often pick this kind up- they provide great journaling cards and title cards.

Using your decorative tape, place a strip around all four edges making a frame.
I tore my tape a little longer than the page and tucked the extra around the back.

Isn't this paper cute? I chose it because it's so busy- which is the theme of my layout.

Trim your photos to 3" tall x 4 1/4" wide.
Place them in a column about 1 1/2" from the left edge centered from top to bottom.

I took photos of my speedometer, our online school computer screen, and a dinner plate-
 all big parts of my day.

Now, place your strip of pattern paper along the right edge of the photos.
This should reach to the top and bottom edges of the background paper.

 Whether you're using a pre-printed title or letter stickers,
place your title in the lower right corner of the layout overlapping the strip of pattern paper.

Add journaling to your paper leaving space at the top for your embellishments.
I had quite a bit to say, so I used most of the paper.
Don't feel you have to write as much:)

Add your embellishment(s) above the journaling on the pattern paper strip.
I used  one stamp that I stamped three times.
It says, "Today I'm doing this," which I thought went great with my topic!

That's it, my friends! It's a wrap!
Easy and fun, huh?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all
1 Thes. 3:12

1 comment:

  1. This turned out very cute!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!
