Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #160

My hubby was on vacation over spring break. We didn't have much planned,
 so we were able to go to the pre-sale of an estate sale.
We drove to a small town down the road and stood in a long line-
 I couldn't believe how many people were waiting!
Surprisingly, the lady running the sale let us all in at once.
I've been to other estate sales where they only let a few people in at a time.

He and I split up to "divide and conquer" as my hubby put it.
He headed for the shed while I went into the house.

I paid $3 for this 1979 license plate.
I love the color.
I sure don't like the modern license plates that are flat and smooth. Jeez-they have no character!

I'm a sucker for pretty vintage platters.
I went through a pile in the kitchen and left with these two beauties.

They were a dollar apiece.
I've already used this one to take treats to church!

I also got this tea towel with a calendar from 1970.
It was only a dollar.
I think I'll turn it into a pillow.

All my hubby bought were two fence stakes.
We headed out of there only paying $12.
He's so sweet to come with me to these sales.
He doesn't get to come often, but we both enjoy it when he does.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Give, and it will be given to you. . .
 For with the same measure that you use,
 it will be measured back to you.
Luke 6:38

This post is linked to My Girlish Whims, Life with Lorelai, and Ivy and Elephants.

1 comment:

  1. Love the plates you found. I found two just like the white one at our GW and was so happy to have them.
    Visiting from Ivy and Elephants.
