Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Layout of the Week #107

In addition to the layouts that I make to I document things that my family does,
every so often I like to make one that is just about us.
If you've never done one like that, you should. You will certainly treasure it.
Today's layout just captures us at this moment in time.
At one glance, you can see what we're like on this day.

Here's the layout we'll be creating.

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x 12" cardstock
one piece of 7 1/4"x  9 1/2"cardstock
four strips of pattern paper measuring 1"x 12"
one piece of pattern paper measuring 3/4"x 11 1/2" (you could use a piece of decorative tape instead)
four photos measuring 3 1/2"x  4 1/2"
letter stickers for the title (not pictured)
four journaling cards -mine are 3"x 4" (you can use note cards for this)
pen for journaling
paper trimmer

To start, adhere the four strips of 1"x 12" pattern paper along
 the outer edges of the 12"x 12" cardstock.

Next adhere the 7 1/4"x 9 1/2" cardstock in the center of the background.

Now place your four photos on the center piece of cardstock.

Place the 3/4"x 11 1/2" piece of pattern paper (or decorative tape) along the center of the layout.
It should run right across the center of the photo mat.

Write on your journaling cards, then adhere one to the outer edge of each photo.

For my journaling, I stamped several words along the edge of each card.
Then I filled in the blanks about each family member.
The words are:
(I got this list from a Stacey Julian project many years ago.)

Now place your title above and below the photos.
Add a date somewhere on the layout- I placed mine at the bottom of the bottom left photo.

TA-DA! That's it!
You now have a layout that captures your family how you are right now.

Here's an example of the journaling for my younger son:
Ethan is: 13 1/2
has: an Instagram account with 2040 followers
can: play Madden football - for hours!
watches: You Tube videos
reads: when Mom makes him
wishes: he could play tackle football, but settles for flag football
needs: to go bow fishing

You could use this layout to compare siblings
or even feature one person with four different photos.

If you enjoyed this tutorial, stop by every other Wednesday for a new step by step layout.
Each one can be completed in less than an hour using products that you have on hand.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Test all things; 
hold fast what is good.
1 Thes. 5:21

1 comment:

  1. Love the colors and the stamping on the journaling cards!
