Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #162

The pickings were small this week at the thrift stores.
I actually went to three of them, but left with only two small bags.

Sometimes I score big- sometimes not so big.
I will tell you that time at the thrift store is never wasted, though:)

I got this beautiful old cookbook for fifty cents.
It's copyright is 1963.
I'm giving it to a friend who is starting a collection of vintage cookbooks. (I just love friends who don't mind when I buy them stuff from the thrift store!:)

I spent fifty cents on this old book.
I think it's just beautiful- even the binding is pretty.
It doesn't have a copyright for some reason.

The pages are all dark with age.
Love it!

I got four books for my son to read.
He's been on a big reading jag lately- especially of science fiction books.
I definitely want to support this trend while it lasts!
Each of these books were only a quarter.

I do have one more thing to show you.
 I found this as I was driving through my neighborhood- that's right. I got it out of somebody's trash.

 It's an awesome wooden spool! It's about 14" high.
Nice, huh?

That's it.
Hopefully I can squeeze in some yard sales this weekend.
Good luck to all of you with your treasure hunting!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Abstain from every form of evil.
1 Thes. 5:22


  1. I absolutely love the cookbook! I think I'm going to start looking for some for myself!

  2. Your Good Housekeeping cookbook is the best ever! I buy those in antique stores and give them to new wives as gifts. Every recipe you can imagine is in it! Good buy!
