Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #164

I always think it's so crazy when I pop into the thrift stores
and actually find something that I was going there for.

I mean, what are the odds?

First things first, I got these darling teacups for a quarter apiece.
I simply cannot pass up old teacups when they are so pretty and so cheap!
Someday I'd like to learn to make candles in teacups.

I got this wire candle holder for $.75.
I don't plan to use it for a candle holder, though.
I'm going to flip it upside down and use it as a plate stand.

I'm helping to plan a graduation party and need different items to raise dessert dishes.
Imagine my surprise when I came across this---

and this plant stand which will become a plate stand.
I paid $1.50 for it.
It matches the first one.
Crazy, huh? 
That's some good thrifting mojo!

I also picked up this glass baby bottle for fifty cents.
Last weekend, I helped to set up for a baby shower.
We put daisies into glass baby bottles.
Take my word for it, it was cute!

I have always loved bangle bracelets.
I got this wooden one for a dollar.

You're probably looking at this thinking, ""What in the world?"
It's pom pom trim - a huge bag of it for $2.
I'm thinking it will work for the graduation party decor.

That's four items that I bought for party decor and three just for fun.
I'm so glad I stopped in to the thrift store when I did!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it.
Psalm 119: 35

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