Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #167

Recently I was able to take a trip to Canton Trade Days in Canton, TX.
Let me tell you, if you ever have the opportunity to go, you need to!
It was a secondhand shopper's dream!!!

Last week I showed you my first round of pretties,
and today I've got more to share.

Check out this rockin' tractor seat.
I only paid $7 for it.
Isn't it cool?
The best part is I have to figure out what I'm going to attach it to.
Any ideas?
I'm thinking a cool base from a stool of some sort. 

It was love at first sight with this rusty wire basket.
It's about the size of a laundry basket.
I know just what I'm going to do with it! Wait and see:)

I got this sweet, old soda crate.
He's going to pair up with the two fruit crates I showed you last week.
I'll show you what I plan to do with them soon.

Yes, this is an old bike wheel- and yes, I actually paid money for it!
I envision some sort of chandelier. . .
I got this, the soda crate, and the wire basket for $40. My bartering skills came in handy 
with this deal. :)

I love burlap- especially burlap coffee bags.
I couldn't believe that these were only $1.
I got this one-

and this one.
These were the only prints available.
But now as I look at these photos, I'm wishing I would've picked up more. . .

That's it for this week- isn't it all so lovely?!?
I'll show you more next week. Be sure to swing by!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those 
who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
2 Tim. 2:22

This post is linked to Ivy and Elephants, Too Much Time, and  Embracing Change.


  1. Nice finds, that wire basket and the Canada Dry box are very cool!!! I like burlap feed sacks...but burlap doesn't like me. Makes my allergies go nuts. Have a great weekend ~ Mickie

  2. Love your treasures, espeically the basket and old wheel.
