Monday, August 24, 2015

Mini Album Monday #60- Summer Memories Album

I have found that I don't scrapbook nearly as often as I used to (although I still love doing it),
but I love going through the mini albums that I made in the past
For several summers, I used to make mini albums that documented what we did over our summers.
 (Now that I keep a month-by-month album, I feel it's repetitive to do a summer album.)
Here is one from a few summers ago that I made using part of a Capri Sun box for the cover.

I liked the summer-y feel of the box, so decided to make it the foundation of this book.

When I cut the box, I used the front and bottom sides. I used the bottom flap to fold up and make a pocket on the inside covers.
The first page of my book is a piece of vellum covered in summer themed words.

I used different sized and shaped papers.
The paper on the left has was waves cut into the top edge and
the paper on the right was cut into a large oval.

I folded each page in half and punched holes in the center,
 then held them all together with a piece of ribbon.

Each page has just one photo on it.

For my journaling, I taped four tags together (you can see two here- the other two show up towards the end of the album).

Because all my journaling was on the tags, I just needed to add a caption to each photo.

For one page, I cut it longer than it needed to be so that I could fold up the bottom flap to make a pocket. I stuck the boys' swimming lesson certificates in this pocket.

Here you can see the ribbon that is acting as the book's binding.

On the right is the other side of the pocket page.
 I placed two tickets from Chuck E. Cheese in it.

The page on the right is the other side of the tags.

Even thought this album measures only 5"x 5 3/4", it holds quite a few photos.

Here are the other sides of the oval page and the page with waves at the top.

In the back pocket, I placed part of a pamphlet and a ticket from a trip we took.

Here's the back cover.

This is one of my favorite albums. It's so unusual-- this truly is turning trash into something useful:)

I hope everybody had a good first day back to school today!
You can go here to see another summer mini album that I made.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; 
fear the Lord and depart from evil. 
Proverbs 3:7

1 comment:

  1. What an original way to make an album - plus you recycled and I love that! Great job!
