Friday, August 21, 2015

Take a Tour Around Yeya's Antiques and Oddities

If you've stopped by around here for any length of time, 
I'm sure you've gathered that I am a lover of junk.
Besides thrift stores and estate sales,
 sometimes it's hard to find a place that is full of good, old junk.
Well, have I got a place to share with you. . .

It's called Yeya's Antiques and Oddities in San Antonio.
My hubby and I stopped in there last week.
Take a look at some of what we saw. . .

giant letters,

vintage military ammo cans,

this awesome metal shelf,

huge casters,

all these rolling carts,


and tables full of stuff.

The yard and two buildings were full.
We took our time looking, and I'm sure we didn't see it all.

The day that we stopped at the store, it was actually closed..
I called the owner and when he saw on caller ID that we were from the Houston area,
he decided to open it up so we could look.
Can you believe that?
What excellent customer service.
If you're ever in the San Antonio area and are up for some vintage stopping, you'll want to stop here.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Judge not, that you be not judged.
Matthew 7:1

 This post is linked to Embracing Change, Too Much Time, My Girlish Whims,
 and Tatertots and Jello.

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