Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lovelies That I Love

I love every other Wednesday when I get to scour Etsy looking for stuff to share with you.
There's always so much awesomeness to see.
Today's items seem to be pretty girly.

I totally love the look of the flower on this necklace- the center is so unique!

I love hair sticks- I'm actually wearing one now.
But this one looks like a feather! Love it!
This is a wrap bracelet. Isn't it just so pretty?
This Pride and Prejudice Scarf is so unique.

I've always liked these little cabbage roses-they're even cuter with the colorful drop jewels.
Who wouldn't wear these earrings?
I think they'd look great with the scarf and the wrap bracelet!

Aren't these just so lovely?

I'm not affiliated with any of these companies, I just like their stuff.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
Psalm 25:1

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