Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #185

Last weekend my hubby and I were planning to get up early Saturday morning
and head 20 minutes down the road to a nearby town that was having a city-wide yard sale.
We intended to spend the morning shopping.
But Friday night, our dog broke off a toenail.
I don't know how she did it- she's a very silly and active Labrador Retriever.
It was gross and we didn't want it to get infected.
So we took her to the vet early Saturday morning.
After she got a clean bill of health, we felt better about leaving her and proceeding with our plans.

Take a look at what we found. . .

You know I looooovvvveee old globes.
I saw this beauty sitting on the back of a car along with a few other items.
I asked the young man how much he wanted for it and he said twenty dollars.
When I didn't respond to that, he asked what I wanted to pay.
I told him five dollars.
He agreed.
It's just so pretty and old- I love it!

I also love typewriters.
I know this one isn't vintage, but it still works.
I was intrigued by the color. 
The gentleman was asking $8. I offered $6 and he took it.
I'm going to use this thing for real- for journaling in my scrapbooks and maybe for typing 
on gift tags. Who knows what else?!?

This beauty was only a quarter.
 I love how old it looks.
It's going to hang on a wall, so the crack only adds to the charm.

You're probably looking at these old pans wondering why I would buy them.
Well, I got them because they're so small. I've never seen cookie sheets this size (9 1/2"x 7").
I think I may try to turn them into recipe holders. . .

I got a few more things. . . come back next week to see the rest.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Show me Your ways, O Lord; 
teach me Your paths.
Psalm 25:4

This post is linked to My Girlish Whims, The Crafted Sparrow, and Life With Lorelai.  


  1. You found some great things. Love the typewriter and looking forward to seeing the pans' transformations.

  2. Love your finds, hope to see what you do with them!
