Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Layout of the Week #120

It's the middle of the week- let's break up some of the monotony with a little creativity.
Follow these simple steps and you'll have a scrapbook layout made in no time!

Here's the layout we'll be creating.

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x 12" cardstock
one piece of 8"x 9 1/4" cardstock
two strips of pattern paper measuring 1"x 9 1/4" 
one strip of pattern paper measuring 1"x 8 1/2"
one strip of pattern paper measuring 1"x 3 1/2"
letter stickers for the title
journaling card measuring 4"x 3" (an index card will do)

To begin, adhere one strip of pattern paper measuring 1"x 9 1/4" to the bottom right edge 
of the 12"x 12" cardstock. 
It should be about 1/4" above the bottom of the cardstock.

Now place the strip measuring 1"x 8 1/2" perpendicular to the first piece
 and along the right edge of the cardstock.

Now place the second piece of pattern paper measuring 1"x 9 1/4" parallel to the first piece.
It should press up to the right side of the cardstock along the top of the second piece of pattern paper.
It will be a little more than an inch from the top of the cardstock.

Now place the final piece of pattern paper measuring 1"x 3 1/2" at the bottom left corner of the last piece of pattern paper. 
You should almost have a square outline at this time.

Use the piece of cardstock measuring 8"x 9 1/4" as your mat and cover it with photos.
I cropped mine to make them fit. 
(the 8" edges of the mat are the top and bottom, while the 9 1/4" edges are the sides)

Center your mat on the pattern paper.
I left a small part of my left edge without adhesive so that I could hide my journaling card slightly behind the mat.

Place your journaling card along the edge of the short strip of pattern paper.
I slid mine behind my mat. 
If you don't need as much room for journaling, you can trim your card to 2 1/2"x 3".
Adhere an embellishment to the left edge of the card.

Using your letter stickers, place your title under the journaling card.

Add two embellishments above the journaling card,
one at the bottom edge of the photos, 
and one above the photos.

That's it! Doesn't it feel good to have done something creative?
If you enjoyed this, stop by every other Wednesday and complete a simple layout with me.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless..

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; 
I say, "You are my God."
Psalm 31:14

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