Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #188

I usually just swing by my local thrift stores, but I recently got to pop into a Goodwill.
This one had all their clothes sorted by color. It was very inviting.
However, I wasn't there to buy clothes.
I checked out their dishes and such.

I found this old game for $2.

I love the board which is in great condition. 
Sometime ago, I taught a scrapbooking class where the covers of the books 
were all made from old board games.

I also love the round game pieces with stars on them.
Those will be showing up in some of my paper crafts.

Here's what I found at my local places. . .
Please forgive the dark photos- I don't know what happened.
I got this embroidery hoop for fifty cents.
I don't usually pass these up.

I got this pretty saucer for fifty cents.
I'm gathering these for a fun craft. . . 

I also got this dessert plate-

and this dessert plate each for fifty cents.
I love how old they look.
They both will go to my friend who is collecting plates for a wall display.

Kind of a skimpy week, I know.
I'm hoping to hit some yard sales this weekend, so hopefully I'll have some good stuff to share next week. Good luck to all of you with your secondhand shopping!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Be of good courage, 
and He shall strengthen your heart, 
all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

This post is linked to My Girlish Whims, Embracing Change, and Ivy and Elephants.

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