Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thrifty Thursday #219

This week's thrifty finds weren't found at any thrift store.
They're roadside finds- my favorites!
I just love finding good stuff at the curb:)

The first thing, I didn't actually find.
A friend found an old pool table at the curbside that he took home to fix up.
The balls were too old and worn to use, so he asked if I'd like them.

Well, I'd never say no to old pool balls!
Especially not if they're free.

I put them into the old glass jar I bought at an estate sale last week.
I just need come across one more set of old pool balls and it'll really look neat!

Here's something I found sometime ago in my neighborhood, but for some reason never shared here.
A set of old croquet balls. The sticks were in too bad of shape to do anything with,
 but these little fellas sit in this wire basket on my coffee table.
I love their worn look.

Well, that's it for this week.
Keep your eyes peeled on the curbs as you're driving through your neighborhoods.
You never know what you may find!

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
Psalm 111:10

 This post is linked to Blue Willow House, My Girlish Whims, The Girl Creative,
Life With Lorelai, and Artsy Fartsy Mama.


  1. I love the pool balls in the vintage jar! I recently found a bunch of porcelain lettered balls and my first instinct was to put them in an old glass jar. I love when an idea is proven good!

  2. I recently found a partial set of old pool balls and your idea to put them in an old jar really appeals to me. The croquet balls are very cool. Thank you for sharing at Vintage Charm I always love seeing what you find and when it's free that even better.
