Monday, July 18, 2016

Mini Album Monday #77- Travel Album

Last month I showed you a mini album that I made using half of a file folder.
Today I'd like to show it to you stuffed full of photos and memories.

Warning: this post is very photo heavy!

The pattern paper that I used on the cover had the word travel printed on it.
I added the word journal that I had printed off from a label maker.

I used this album to document a summer's worth of travel memories.

At the very beginning of the book, I added a pamphlet.
That's the beauty of having an album that is bound with office rings: you just have to punch holes in whatever you want to add.

I actually added quite a bit to this album as I was putting in the photos.

It's always nice to pre-make an album before I need it
 so that all I need to do is add photos and journaling.

For the next page, I added a park map and put photos on it.

I like to get pressed pennies when we take trips.
This book includes several. The first one is in the lower right corner of the pamphlet.

Here is another park map.
It worked out adding the extra pages because it gave me lots more room for photos.

I always keep tickets when we go places.
Here I stapled a ticket to a pamphlet.

The page on the right was originally the second page in the book.
But I added so many extra pages that it is now the seventh page.

I like adding pamphlets to my albums. That way they're right next to our photos from that place. 

I used this photo as a pocket and placed tickets behind it.

The tiny green card contains a pressed penny on the front. . . 

and another on the back.
The next page is a piece of ledger paper. I used it to add stories about our trips.

The next page is a paint chip. I used a photo as a pocket here, too.

The next two pages are just pieces of plain cardstock with a few embellishments added.

You can see how many photos I was able to include in this album.

Here's a second piece of ledger paper.

When we're on trips, I always try to keep a notebook handy so that I can jot down funny or memorable things that happen on our trip.

I use random items like tickets as page tabs
which I like to have when I make an album with different size pages.

I love going back and reading the journaling.
It's surprising show much of that stuff I would forget if I hadn't written it down

The final page is half a manila envelope which gave me room to add extras.
I put more pamphlets in here.

On the inside of the back cover, I added an envelope so that I could include a photo CD of pictures from this summer.

The back cover matches the front.

That's it, folks.
Have you ever done a summer album to document your activities?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
Col. 3:15

 This post is linked to Between Naps on the PorchThe Dedicated House,
I Gotta Create, I Heart Naptime, and Plucky's Second Thought.

1 comment:

  1. Aww...this looks so cute!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
