Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Plan to Take More Photos This Year!

First and foremost, I'd like to wish you all a very happy and blessed new year!
As you're making resolutions for the new year, I hope you don't forget to plan to take more photos.
This is such an simple thing and so easy to forget, but so easy to do if you make an effort.
I treasure all the photos I've taken over the years.
Here are two projects I've done in the past to document our year:
one is simple, the other took more work, but both were worth every minute.
Designate a jar to collect memories throughout the year including anything that will fit in the jar- like movie stubs, notes, to-do lists, etc. You can even add little notes about highlights of the year.
You take a few hours and complete an album so that at the end of every month, you can just print and add the photos you've taken that month.

I'm setting up my jar and making my book this weekend.:)
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Blessed are those who do His commandments
Rev. 22:14
This post is linked to Funky Junk and I Heart Naptime.

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