Thursday, January 2, 2014

Top Five Thrifty Finds of 2013

One of my favorite things to do is secondhand shopping. 
I just love thrift stores . . .
and yard sales . . .
and estate sales.

Today we're going to look back at this past year at some of the my favorite secondhand finds. . .

It was love at first sight when I spotted this beauty at an estate sale. 
Can you believe that I only paid $20 for it?!?
Look at the curve of that mirror!
I saw this camera with a price of ten dollars. I refused to spend that much on it. 
Then I couldn't stop thinking about it.  Lucky for me, it was still at the estate sale when I went back on the next day and got it for 20% off!

Look at this vintage hair dryer. What can I say? It's old, it's beautiful, and it only cost me a dollar!
I haven't decided what I'm going to do with it yet, but it's a treasure for sure!

I'd  been wanting to find a vintage fan. This fella was rusty, but worked, so I snatched it up for five dollars at a garage sale! My hubby cleaned it up and it's sitting in our living room now- it works beautifully!

I love globes and maps. I was giddy when I spotted this fella at a yard sale for only a dollar! 
He, too, is sitting in my living room now. I'm hoping to find him a worldly friend :)

Can you believe people were getting rid of all of these gems?!?
Happy treasure hunting to you all!

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Therefore I will look to the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation;
My God will hear me.
Micah 7:7
This post is linked to 52 Mantles, Junkin' Joe, and Today's Creative Blog.


  1. I've got a fan and globe and old camera but now I need to find a vintage hair dryer! Happy hunting in 2014!

  2. You had a fabulous year my friend and thanks for sharing!!! hugs...
