This beautiful boy turned 11 today. It was not that long ago when he followed me around chattering to me with his little chipmunk voice and drinking out of a sippy cup. Now he won't even give me a kiss in front of school anymore. Where does the time go?
He is such a blessing to our family. He's very good natured, easily entertained, very bright, and has a wonderful sense of humor. God was smiling when He gave us this bundle of joy. I say prayers of thanks everyday for this boy- and his brother, of course.
On another note, one of my favorite blogs, "Today's Creative Blog" has "Get Your Craft On" Tuesdays. I linked up one of my projects. You can check the blog out here: www.todayscreativeblog.net
This blog rocks!!! Nearly everyday a different creative blog is featured. For a blog surfing fanatic like me, this is superb!